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A little planning helps get you into a career you love. Check out easy steps below that you can start today:
- Check out what you really need to know about this job.
- Hear from a real person in this job and explore their company.
If you're still not sure whether this career is for you:
Help Me Plan Courses
Find out which school offerings can help start a career in Data Engineering.Subjects
- Computers and technology
- English
- Math
Activities and clubs
- Engineering and coding club
- Math olympiad/team
- Storytelling, poetry, and book club
- Spelling bee
- Games and cards club
- Algebra
- Calculus
- Computer programming
- Media technology
- Probability
- Statistics
Activities and clubs
- Engineering and coding club
- Mathletes
- Media club
- School newspaper
- Yearbook
Career-focused programs
Your school may offer courses or programs that help prepare you for specific career paths, called Career & Technical Education. These CTE programs are grouped into career categories or clusters. If you're interested in this career, check with your counselor or teacher to see if your school has a CTE program in the clusters below. And keep an open mind! The career you like may pop up in all kinds of industries you don't expect.
This career is relevant to these career clusters:
- Information, A/V & Communication Technology
- Science & Mathematics
Show me unexpected careers in this cluster
Common next degrees or college majors after high school
- Business
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering
Certifications can show interest and qualifications
- Data Engineer/Architect
- Data Science
- Javascript coding language
- Python coding language
![Skills banner image](/images/action-plans/ap-1.png)
Grades 5-8 | Grades 9+ | |
Emergency Surgery Khan Academy WhyVille |
Solve The Outbreak | |
Grades 5-8 | Grades 9+ | |
Database vs Spreadsheet - Advantages and Disadvantages Databases by Britannica Kids |
These online resources above are created and managed by third parties, not Worktour. Worktour has reviewed the resources for relevance, quality, and ease of access, but we do not endorse these third parties in any way. Many of these resources are freely available, but please be aware that some resources may require payment for partial or full access, may include advertising, or may have changed their links or site materials.
- Review the list of school courses above that help you build foundational skills for this career. How many of those courses do you plan to take?
- Review job skills needed in this career.
- Complete one of the free online resources in the section above.
- Find 3 job openings for this career online from different
companies and read the descriptions.
Hint: Check out different job titles companies use for this career in the career profile.
Ready to get a head start and check out this job in real life?
- Learn to apply for internships online or in your school's career platform. Find 3 internships related to this career. Apply if you qualify, but don't worry if you don't get the position - there are lots of applicants and not many openings.
- Find 3 companies online where you'd like to volunteer, even if they don't list openings online. Find a contact form and write them a short email on why you'd like to volunteer at their company.