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We keep track of and interpret financial records for our clients. Our tasks can vary, but we might make sure employees get paid, do taxes, or track the revenue and expenses of our clients.
A great way to learn more about a career is to hear from real people in the job or see what it's like in a real workplace. The same job at different companies can be pretty different too, so it's helpful to learn about it from as many settings as you can!
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Every company might describe a Accounting job differently when they post an opening. They might have a slightly different mix of duties or even call the job by different titles, like Accounting Officer, Bookkeeper, Certified Public Accountant, or Financial Auditor.
Here's a picture of a sample job description you might find on a job search engine. If you'd like to try out some real online searches, check out some first steps you can take!
This is a junior role in our fast-growing company that can expand into a bigger opportunity. You’d be responsible for preparing bills for customers and pay for our employees. You would also be in charge of balancing various company accounts, and preparing accounts payable to our vendors.
We seek someone who has some knowledge of accounting for government contracts and is able to jump on board and take on the above duties. Experience using accounting software and Excel is needed. Being able to read and understand federal government contracts is a plus. You should be a great communicator and a good multi-tasker who has strong analytical skills. A Bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree in Accounting or in a business field is required.
Here are some general skills needed in this career. Ask your teachers about how your classes today strengthen these skills.
- Accounting software
- Analyzing data
- Attention to detail
- Critical thinking and reasoning
- Enterprise resource planning software
- Listening and communication
- Math
- Money accounts - Ledgers and accounts
- Research and obtaining information
- Tax preparation software
Want to get even more familiar with these skills? Try them out for yourself!
Junior Accountant |
Senior Accountant |
US average annual salary